
Friday, May 20, 2011

Don’t let Urinary Incontinence Get in the Way of Your Active Lifestyle

Urinary incontinence is something that plagues a lot of men, from the young to the elderly.  But chances are that if you walked by a man who has urinary incontinence on the street, you wouldn’t know it. 

Men who have urinary incontinence have found that incontinence clamps are a great option to help them to stop the embarrassing problems of urinary leaks when they are out in public or even at home.

Men who use incontinence clamps are able to do just about everything that anyone else is able to do. They are able to exercise, they are able to ride a bike, they can hike, and they are able to do anything that they want to do. With an incontinence clamp, there’s no worry about odor and leaking that you might find with adult diapers.

With a clamp, if it’s applied correctly, the man doesn’t have to worry about any leaking.  A man who has incontinence shouldn’t make his life revolve around his problem and he shouldn’t worry about going out in public because he’s afraid that he’ll have an accident.

You are a man and you want to have a life of your own. Don’t let your incontinence rule your life and determine what it is that you can and can’t do. You can live a full life and you can do anything that you want to do. Go out and take a walk, ride your bike, go on a plane trip and have a great vacation. No one should worry about leaks when there are so many solutions that you can choose from to help with your problem.

You have incontinence but incontinence doesn’t have to have you unless you allow it to. Go out and enjoy life – it’s ready, willing, and able to show you how great it can be!

How Does a Incontinence Clamp Work?

Something that a lot of men, especially those who are older and who have medical problems, suffer from is incontinence.  One of the things that men hear about that helps with the problem of incontinence is the incontinence clamp. But before they decide to use this, they want to know how an incontinence clamp works. Here is some information about how incontinence clamps work and some other information that you might find useful about incontinence clamps.

An incontinence clamp is something that is put on the penis and which stops the flow of urine from the penis. It compresses the urethra and since the urethra is what expels the urine from the body, it stops the embarrassing leaks that are associated with incontinence. 

Even though they all do the same thing, there are different types of incontinence clamps that men can choose from. But all of the incontinence clamps have some general guidelines that are important to remember.

·        Schedule – It’s a good idea to loosen the clamp every 2 hours so that the bladder is emptied.  If the clamp is left too long, it can cause dangerous and painful issues.

·        Adjustment – When you are first wearing the clamp, it’s a good idea to see amount of pressure is right for you. If you don’t have the clamp tight enough, you will have leaks.  If the clamp is too tight, it can restrict the flow of blood as well as irritating and injuring your skin. 

Incontinence clamps are something that can really help stop embarrassing leaks due to incontinence.  Talk to your doctor about your incontinence problems and see whether or not an incontinence clamp is right for you. Many men have found them to be useful and that wearing an incontinence clamp can help them to live a normal life.

What is the Different Between Incontinence Clamps?

If you have been researching incontinence clamps, chances are that you know that there are different ones that you can choose from.  But how do you choose? Here are the top 5 incontinence clamps that are available and some information on each of them.

1.     Cunningham Clamp by BARD – This hinged clamp offers comfort to the patient. It’s washable and it’s adjustable to fix the patient well.

2.     Gyrx Squeezer Klip Incontinence Penile Clamp – This precise penile clamp is a favorite of many because although it stops the flow of urine, the blood flow is not compromised.

3.     Greenwald Surgical Baumrucker Incontinence Clamp – This clamp offers a hinged frame that supports 3 pads made of foam rubber with two of them on one of the sides and one of them on the other and a closure made of Velcro.

4.     Jackson Medical J Clamp Incontinence Clamp – This small clamp works by compressing the man’s urethra to stop urine from escaping. Men can live active lives while wearing this clamp.

5.     DribbleStop Urine Incontinence Clamp – A favorite for travelers, this clamp is made of plastic so there is no problem with going through airport security.  It’s placed behind the penis’ head and gives just enough pressure to stop the urine from flowing.

These are the five top incontinence clamps that men turn to when they want to stop themselves from having embarrassing problems with urine leakage.  If you are unsure of what one is going to work best for you, you can talk to your doctor or speak with an expert through our website. We are always able to help you with any questions that you have and to help you to find the incontinence clamp that will work best for you and for your needs. We are dedicated to helping you with all of your medical supply questions and needs.

What is an Incontinence Clamp?

When a man is looking for a way to control his incontinence, sometimes he is going to use an incontinence clamp to stop embarrassing accidents. But what is an incontinence clamp? Here is an introduction to incontinence clamps.

Incontinence clamps are also known as penile clamps and they are external items that are used for the prevention of urine leaks and for managing male incontinence.  they’re available in a lot of materials and styles, but they will work on the principle of compressing a man’s penis and effectively closing off his urethra, so that no urine will leak through.

The frame of the incontinence clamp might be made either of plastic or metal, and some of the clamps are rigid while others are simply semi-rigid and therefore are adjustable.

The clamps that are strap style, which are usually known as soft clamps, penile straps, or continence cuffs, are also something that’s available. This is a flexible and adjustable strap that has either a bump or a ridge that’s placed against the urethra on the penis’ underside. The strap will then by tightened so that the urethra’s compressed.

Incontinence is something that is embarrassing for just about anyone, but especially for men. When they are looking for something that can help them with avoiding leaks that can happen at the most inopportune and embarrassing time and they prefer not to wear adult diapers, one of the things that they might choose to use is an incontinence clamp.

The incontinence clamp is something that’s effective and discreet for managing problems with incontinence. But a man should always consult his doctor to find out whether or not they are something that he should use, especially if he has other medical problems. Although they are safe for most people, it’s always better to safe and know for sure.