
Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to Deal With Male Incontinence

Incontinence is something that a lot of people have to deal with each and every day, both men and women.  If you are a man who has to deal with male incontinence, here are some things that you can do to in order to help yourself each and every day.

Use an Incontinence Clamp – Incontinence clamps are something that can really help men with their problems with incontinence.  There are different kinds of clamps that they can choose from and they can be used for the short of the long term.

Try to train your bladder – Some of the men find that they’re able to train their problems with urinary incontinence. One of the approaches is to begin taking bathroom breaks whether you have to go or not.  This is going to help you to gain control and eventually you can start extending the time. As you do this more and more, you may find that you have your incontinence under control. It won’t happen overnight but it has helped a lot of men.

Flex the Muscles – Even though most men think of the Kegel exercises as something that women do, there are a lot of men that have found that they are useful for strengthening the bladder muscles. Make sure that you are flexing the correct muscles because otherwise you may find that you’re increasing the bladder pressure. A good approach is to squeeze the same muscles as if you’re trying to stop yourself from breaking wind.  Those are the muscles that should be worked on.  Tense the muscles for 3 seconds then you want to relax them for 3 seconds.  A good idea is to do this about 15 minutes each day and they can be done anywhere at any time.  This may take anywhere from 3-6 weeks but a lot of men find them to be useful.

Keep a Journal – It’s a good idea to find out what your body is doing by keeping a journal. Write down what you drink and how much, how often you are going to the bathroom, and then how often you find yourself leaking. You should also write down what the symptom triggers, like drinking a lot of coffee or bending over.  This is going to help your doctor to find out how bad the symptoms are and how your life is being affected.

Male incontinence can be uncomfortable and it can be embarrassing.  But when you use the three tips above, you may find that the problem isn’t as bad as it used to be.  Training your bladder, doing exercises, and keeping a journal can all help you know what triggers the symptoms and help your body to prevent the accidents.

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